Stick n Stay My Friends
I have always thought of myself to be mentally strong and possess a “no quit” type of attitude. I also felt that the world was against me and only God was my safety net. Well, God is my safety net, he always has been, but what the world has done to me is no worst than what I have done to myself. We all have the same amount of time each day, but we choose to live differently. In my eyes, complacency has been a word I heard a lot in high school from my old coach. I always thought the guy had it out for me, its because of my race, because I am to short or he is just trying to ruin my high school sports career therefore, maybe I should quit. I wont go into details of other scenarios that make me write about this, I will save that for my book when it releases…lol (one day for sure).
Ideas of starting your own business sounds really appealing from the get go don’t they? But what about the next day, or the next week… Will you still have the thought, the same enthusiasm or did you lose it on your napkin you wrote it down on at the bar? Maybe you have a full fledged plan, more than you originally had and now you have a legit chance at starting your own business, your baby!
I will say that I have met a lot of great people over the course of my adult life, ones in which I felt they were put in my life for a reason. From working in a factory, from waiting tables to selling the hottest kicks, to selling phones to crazy people willing to pay an outrageous bill, I developed a mindset to use all the skills and life experiences to my advantage and think bigger and more long term. Do I want to help build someone else’s dream or put in the time and effort to build my own? Nobody said owning your own business would be easy, nor should it be. I still am so far from what I want to accomplish, and even farther from saying that I am a successful Entrepreneur-because lets face it, its a cool word that everyone wants to say is their occupation. I will stack my small wins though, I wont be to hard on myself because then whats the point of going into business for yourself if you cannot even give yourself some credit??? Nobody else should have to, at least not if you are a grown a$$ man!
I do not know if its just here in my hometown or maybe its a more serious virus nationwide-worst than CV-19, but constant speculation, criticism, and people legit hoping that you fail is at a all time high, which is fine to me. It’s life. People don’t want to see you succeed, they want to see you fail. I look at myself as a complete underdog in this race, or better a marathon. With this analogy, I look at it as my friends, my colleagues, my past coworkers, family members, other businesses and so forth watching me and waiting for me to fall. Stick n Stay friends, Stick and Stay! I’d say give it 30 days, then they will start to keep a closer eye out for you. Then 90 days later, assuming you are still working hard and not giving up, they will continue to watch your stories, maybe give you a like here and there, hell they might even laugh at status or story, but they are still watching you. Then 6 months will go by and hopefully by then you will have developed thick skin, broaden your audience beyond local “haters” and when they see you still moving along they will ask, “so how much is a __”? Of course there is a great chance after you tell them, they will say to expensive, or maybe later, or “I’ll let you know”. But Sticking and Staying is soooooo crucial, and I know that I am probably wasting my time writing this but it was on my mind, I so badly want to succeed, regardless of what anyone else thinks of SUPA, the graphics, the color schemes or whatever else. Believe it or not, this is something that I would stay up late at night thinking of ; I would be tossing and turning, on my phones in my notes jotting down ideas, concepts and etc. so I would say I have a passion for what I am doing. Some businesses may jump right off into orbit and do great things from the get go, but as I get older, I have learned to be patient, take things slow, in this life its a marathon not a race. I would rather move slow than not move at all.
If you are thinking that you might have the next best idea, business, whatever, just remember, its more of a mind game. You have to control the voices all around you-the people you thought would support you the most will be your biggest skeptics and then of course the people that just do not want to see anyone happy. I wish I could tell you that I read a lot, or that I listen to podcasts, but I don’t. I know what it takes to succeed, I know that if I want to make it, I have to dedicate more time to SUPA and less time on Candy Crush(yes I still play it), Netflix or any other streaming channel. We have options, we have choices, and nobody else is responsible for making them for you but you! No matter what, just remember it takes time to build a fan/customer base, people are watching to see if you sink or swim. Stay the course, don’t quit and Stick n Stay my friends!