Don’t Waste Time

I do not know why I wait so long to blog… maybe it is because I do not blog. I like to create, ideas, concepts, plan things so forth. Which is very sad and weird because believe it or not, I used to write memories, thoughts, stories in my phone or on paper. I woulnt say it was a journal, but just things to help me get stuff out of my system.

What I want to talk about is… well so much but I will try and keep it focused on “Wasting Time”. I recently seen my cousin Estevan in the grocery store the other day and true story, the last time I seen him was in the EXACT SAME SPOT of the SAME GROCERY STORE! How wild is that? But we chatted, he shared that he is expecting child #3 and to that I told him congrats and good for him. But overall, he shared how he does not really go out anymore because of his kids and also his wife is due here shortly. My cousin saying that was music to my ears. It truly was. “Why you may ask?” Because the kids growing up man! Not that he already wasnt before, he was nice enough to help me before winter time fix my door and for that I was so grateful. But I shared with him some words of encouragement which was it is okay to be a home body these days. The best part of days as a father are to watch your kids grow, they really are. I told him how I have 3 little girls, that are 9, 6 and 16 months… I have my hands full. But I would not have it any other way. We both agreed with each other that its wild to see our kids grow right before our eyes. For me, I always tell my girls what I remember about them when they were each others age, or when they would do some things that were their thing like, silly sayings, silly sounds, lifting them up and balancing them on my chest. My oldest is approaching my height now, she is to smart for her own good, she reads a lot like her mom, she has a lot of tendencies like her mom, but has fight like me. I focus a lot with her because she is the oldest, she has a lot on her plate being the oldest of 3, but also because she is so smart, we make sure that the bar will continue to keep raising for her which is what she wants- just like in sports, school, dance so forth. I will share more with my other two another day, but for today/tonight, I will keep it at my title which is Don’t Waste Time.

Being a father is a great challenge, but one that you truly cannot fail at as long as you are present. Being an entrepreneur is 24/7 and you decide on whether or not you are failing- sure you can go by the sales, the growth and so forth. But in my eyes “doing” is the win for the day, showing up the next day and the days after that are also wins, even if you lose :) Being talented, smart, young, adventurous are only as cool and great if you are utilizing your time wisely. If I could share the info that I have now with 18-24 year old Isaac back then, it would be this:

It is a certainty that you will get old-unless you die young. It is a certainty you will die. Time is not promised, and the time you do have comes and goes faster as days get older, like yourself. Partying, drinking, meeting women, being out going, your friends then compared to 10 years later will more likely change. You WILL meet the woman/man of your dreams, but it takes time, as ironic as that sounds. Stay busy, find what drives you, find your purpose, find what you want out of life, cash in on any positive traits you have-articulate, risk taking, confident, big heart, change the world one step at a time, being happy, being a good listener, being an entrepreneur… I say this because there are a lot of people out their that feed into fear. Fear sucks. If you havent already watched Good Will Hunting, I highly recommend you watch that asap. Ben Affleck plays a character by the name Chuckie and he has a great scene with himself and his best friend Will… watch the movie or even YouTube it, its invaluable and deep. When I say, “Don’t Waste Time” I simply mean don’t let the addictions video games, streaming movies/shows, couch potato being fearful get in the way of you being productive. Set goals for yourself and check them off as you complete them each day. My wife is very good about that. She has a goal turned habit of making the bed right away every day. Look that up, its a very good routine to get into before the day even starts. But by wasting time, your life will pass you by, you’ll eventually be 5 years out of high school, then a guy/gal can really lose themselves, lose their identity and you lose motivation, lose passion for things that used to make you happy. Then what are you left with at the end of the day? How far into a hole will you have dug yourself? Bottom line, it doesn’t matter if you are a stud in high school, stud athlete, or maybe life has been easy breezy. But life hits hard, and if you been ducking and dodging them hits, be ready because it’ll catch you and when it does, it may have an impact more than you could have anticipated. Be smart, use your time wisely, live with a purpose, challenge yourself to make something out of yourself, you are the future, and one day, hopefully you will leave behind a legacy that matters.

Don’t Waste Time




Charlie VS Me